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  • Adam Stewart

Longevity and Regenerative Medicine

Let me just start off by saying 2021 was an absolute mess. I lost my job several times due to covid I am still unable to leave Laos due to a few factors. But there was one silver lining to 2021 and that was my 2Tulips Project NFT project.

If you have followed my last 2Tulips posts you will know I was trying to raise funds for Longevity and Regenerative medicine. And the great news is that we did! It was a success in my book. We raised 9.3 ETH for Longevity research. At the time of the auctions that comes out to around 40,000 USD in ETH. That ETH went directly to the three scientists listed Dr. Fahy, Dr. Levin and Dr. Sinclair all amazing researchers.

It was a lot of work marketing and getting myself out there. But it is amazing that in 2021 an Artist living in Laos is able to connect with collectors globally through social media platforms. On the first piece there was even a bid from none other than Vitalik Buterin (if the wallet address is to be believed). That is unreal to me and I owe him a very warm thank you for getting the ball rolling on that auction. It was because of him taking notice that other collectors started following the project.

To think that a watercolor artist in Laos could have an impact on regenerative medicine and research going on around the world is just astonishing to me. Please take a look at this publication by Know Aging Inc.

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